You’re Not Just Planning Events, You’re Making Memories

Family Pavilion Platform

Modern solutions for building family relationships.

Family Reunions

Utilize Family Pavilion's unique suite of features to plan multi-day events with custom agendas and private photo feeds for all attendees.

Life Celebrations

Help bring your community together for life celebrations, memorials, and funeral services on a private platform that lets participants share memories of loved ones.

Social Events

Birthdays, anniversaries, parties, dinners. Whether you're planning for 500 people or five, the Family Pavilion app gives you the flexibility to connect.


Whether you're going on a camp out or charting your next plane-hopping trip the Family Pavilion app lets you communicate and share memories along the way.

We can help unite friends and families by bringing people together in a safe, private setting to share photos, memories, and a common purpose.

Connect Online

Use built-in "Event Links" to share digital meeting spaces with invitees and ensure you can all spend time together while still respecting the latest healthcare guidelines.

Invitee Input

Solicit the feedback of attendees in the planning stages with posts to the private event feed asking how you can best improve the event for everyone involved.

Lasting Memories

Preserve your favorite event moments in permanent and private event feeds that allow you to revisit and reminisce with your fellow attendees free of charge.

Stronger Relationships

Include your closest contacts in your own safe and private events to remove distractions and focus on what matters: building and maintaining human connections.

Start doing what matters most.

Download the Family Pavilion app today and start planning your own private
events with an easy-to-use and feature rich mobile application available on iOS.